What We Do

Menstrual Hygiene management

Menstrual hygiene management involves women and adolescent girls having access to clean material to absorb and collect blood that can be changes in privacy as often as required for the duration of the period, having access to soap and water and facilities to dispose of used Menstrual management materials. 1

Menstrual hygiene management therefore means having access to the appropriate menstrual management materials on one hand and having a conducive environment with water and soap on the other hand.

This charity aims to fight period poverty and provide period products for women and girls in IDP camps across Nigeria.

Period poverty means being unable to access sanitary products and having a poor knowledge of menstruation often due to financial constraints. 3

Poor menstrual hygiene is an important risk factor for developing reproductive tract infections. 2

Many States in Nigeria (especially the North-central and North- West zones) have been affected by violence on a large scale. These have resulted in a large population of internally displaced persons. As at 2019, it was estimated that about 445, 901 people were internally displaced in these two regions: Benue state and Plateau State had the highest numbers. 4

In Plateau State, it is estimated that over 70% of these internally displaced persons are women and children, 5


1. SahimM. Tackling the stigma and gender marginalization related to menstruation via WASH in schools programmes. Waterlines.

2. M. Menstrual Hygiene: How Hygienic is the Adolescent Girl?. IndianJ Community Med. doi:10.4103/0970-0218.40872

3. Bodyform.co.uk. 2021. What is Period Poverty? | Bodyform. [ online ] Medium. Available at :

4. Onyenike, P., 2020. Internal Displacement in North West & North Central Nigeria. [online] Medium. Available at:

5. Daily Post, 2018. Plateau killings: 5000 displaced persons starve in IDP camps. [online] Available at: Author: Agabus

Sanitary Pads

Information about sanitary pads


Information about the soap we provide


Information about the menstrual management materials we provide